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EDNF Board of Directors Sets Course for Successful 2015 and Beyond

November 18, 2014

Last week, Jane Mitakides, Dr. Mitakides wife of more than 30 years, was part of the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation (EDNF) Annual Board Meeting. Jane was named to the EDNF board of directors in July.

“I am honored to be part of this board, working with like-minded individuals from around the country to help people living with EDS,” said Jane. “We have a lot to look forward to this next year and many opportunities ahead of us. We will focus additional funding towards research, work to raise awareness with the general population and will put a lot of momentum behind the new EDS center at the Greater Baltimore Memorial Hospital (GBMH) in Maryland.”

Lara Bloom, the EDS special liaison from the United Kingdom was a guest speaker at the meeting, along with Dr. Fraser Henderson from Maryland and Dr. Clair Francomano from the GBMH.

For more information about the EDNF, visit