Halloween Candies to Avoid with TMJ
October 7, 2016
Halloween is full of scary costumes, jack-o-lanterns, parties, ghosts and, most prominently, candy. While the sugar rush is part of the holiday, the fun and activities may be cut short by TMJ pain. Unfortunately for patients who deal with TMJ pain regularly, Halloween can be a tricky holiday, not filled with many treats. But, it is possible to enjoy the treats of the holiday, if you’re careful.

There are a three categories of Halloween candies to avoid if you suffer from TMJ pain. They are:
Treats like candied peanuts, crispy M&M’s, Whoppers, Nerds and popcorn balls can be difficult for those with TMJ to chew. They may be delicious, but they can cause your TMJ pain to flare up, as it requires more chewing intensity and jaw strength to chew crunchy foods than others.
Laffy Taffy, caramels, Skittles, gum, Swedish Fish and Tootsie Rolls are especially tricky for those with TMJ. Not only do they get stuck in your teeth, but they also require extra chewing to digest. Sticky and chewy candies show up in trick-or-treat bags more often than not, but if you’ve been diagnosed with TMJ, it may be best to avoid them all together.
Sweets like candied apples, lollipops and Jaw Breakers aren’t recommended for those who experience frequent TMJ pain. They’re difficult on your jaw and teeth and can cause pain well after you’ve finished eating your treat.
With all those candies to avoid, there are quite a few sweets that you can enjoy without any unnecessary jaw pain. Raid your trick-or-treat buckets with the following:
•Chocolates like Hershey’s bars, plain M&M’s or Reese’s
•Jolly Ranchers and other hard candies, just be sure to enjoy them instead of biting into them
Halloween can be a fun and delicious time, even for those managing their TMJ pain. With a little planning and forethought, you can enjoy the holiday without dealing with any jaw pain. If you’re struggling to manage your TMJ pain or are looking for relief from your symptoms, finding an experienced medical professional is the first step. For patients in the in the Dayton, Ohio area looking for a TMJ specialist, Dr. Mitakides at The TMJ Treatment Center is here to help. With more than 40 years of experience diagnosing and treating TMJ, he is dedicated to reducing your pain. Contact us or give us a call today at 937-427-3131 to schedule an appointment.